Pet Policy
Pet Policy Type: Cat, DogsMax Number of Pets: 2
Max Weight of Pets: 40lbs
Pet Rent Monthly: $50/Per Pet
Pet Deposit Per PetMax: $500/Per Pet
Other Pets Allowed: Dogs of pure breed or mixed breeds of any of the following are prohibited from our community: • Akita • Australian Cattle Dog (ACD, Cattle Dog, Blue Heeler, Red Heeler, Queensland Heeler) • Basenji • Bedlington Terrier • Boxer • Bull Mastiff • Chow Chow • Dalmatian • Doberman • Dogue de Bordeaux • Foxhound • German Shepherd • Great Dane • Husky • Malamute • Mastiff • Pit Bull • Presia Canario (Pit Bull Family) • Rotweiler • Saint Bernard • Pit Bull Terrier • Staffordshier Terrier • Weimaraner
Pet Policy: We welcome 2 pets per apartment home. There is a $500 pet deposit per animal. Pet rent is $50 per month per pet. There is a weight limit of 40lbs per pet, and aggressive breeds are prohibited.
Pet Rent Basis: Per Home
Delightful Point Loma Apartments All Yours to Enjoy!
Discover the world of comfort and convenience that awaits inside our one, two or three-bedroom Point Loma apartments. All apartments come with features that will inspire you, including stainless steel appliances, wood-style flooring and carpeting, ceiling fans, and brand-new double pane windows. If you need to get your heart pumping, want to meet the neighbors, or just need a break from the daily grind, take advantage of our community amenities and head on over to our refreshing swimming pool, energizing fitness center, or on-site laundry facility. We also offer covered parking, for your convenience!
Most of all, don’t forget about our most cherished amenity – our location! Our 4464 Castelar Street address in the Ocean Beach neighborhood gives you the easiest access to get where you need to be. We’re right across the street from the Ocean Beach Community Garden, and within a short walk you’ll find the Dusty Rhode’s dog park and the Peninsula tennis club. Hop onto Nimitz Blvd or W Point Loma Blvd and quickly get to some of San Diego’s largest employers, including Kaiser Permanente, Sempra Energy, and Qualcomm. Besides all these perks, our community has a friendly on-site management and maintenance team ready to assist you. End your hunt for a pet-friendly apartment in San Diego, CA. Contact us at Citra Apartments today!